2019 Events Overview

TRASH offers members opportunities all year.  Some pop-up unexpectedly, Many are planned. 

Major Pouring Events include Pour in the Park (May, South Park, with TRUB); Pour in the Park (September, North Park, with TRUB); and the Big Pour. (September).  If you have a non-profit, non-commercial event that may want TRASH pouring, please contact the TRASH officers.

Meetings are scheduled monthly – normally mid-day Saturday.  The April meeting will be combined with the TRASH Competition, which is April 13 at Helicon in Oakdale.  June is traditionally a picnic. Likewise, September /October is traditionally an Octoberfest event, and December is a holiday party.

HomeBrew Con (the national AHA conference) is June 27-29 in Providence, Rhode Island.  We’re hoping to get a regional booth together.  That’s where and when the finals of NHC (the National Homebrew Competition).  Any AHA member can compete.  For rules and instructions see this link.

Please share any opportunities, thoughts, concerns, and issues with us.  We’re volunteers and brewers too.  If you have ideas, or want to volunteer we’re happy to listen – or to have your help.

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