Just a few announcements from the meeting over the weekend.
First of all, many thanks to Kerry Diehl for opening his home to us for the June meeting.
Upcoming Meetings
July 21 – Tentatively at Voodoo in Homestead, Awaiting Confirmation. Invites will be send after we get things confirmed.
August – TBD. Likely August 7th or 8th. Hopefully, somewhere with A/C.
September – Oktoberfest Picnic. The last few TRASH picnics have seen a decline in attendance, and, due to heavy Beer and Sweat participation, we’ve had a decreasing number of kegs brought to compete for the coveted TRASHy Award. So we’re moving the picnic to September, after Beer and Sweat. September is when we have our annual Oktoberfest party, and combining these two events just made good sense. Stay tuned for details.
Upcoming Beer Events
BJCP Beer Tasting Exam July 14 – There are still a couple of open seats. Please contact me or Chris Staub if you’re interested in taking the exam or learning more about it.
Beer and Sweat – August 18 – World’s Largest Keg-Only Competition. Trust me, this is an event that you don’t want to miss. Friday night, there is a Bottle Share for the Ages. Saturday, you set up your kegs in the morning, and judge or steward a single flight in the afternoon. This year, there’s a tech talk given by Fermentis some time prior to the Awards ceremony. Speaking of which…TRASH and the Bloatarian Brewing League have a decades long (friendly) rivalry based on competing for the King Swanky Award (Club with Most Points). The Bloats won last year, we won the year before. We need to bring King Swanky back to Pittsburgh, where it belongs! Judge/Steward Registration is open now, and you can register entries starting July 4.
Steel City Big Pour is September 15. TRASH usually has center stage, and we’ll be looking for volunteers for help pour. There’s two shifts, and the requested amount is 1 keg per brewer per shift. We’ll provide more details as the date gets closer.
Brewing Up A Cure – September 22.