Tuesday I sent a reminder on
- Saturday December 7th, starting at noon at Spoonwood.
- Details AND sign-up for TRASH members here.
- Non-TRASH members: we’re modifying our website payment app to accept non-members, but this is taking longer than planned. Just use Paypal to send $10 to officers@trashhomebrewers.org and put the number of people coming in the comments section.
- PLEASE sign up now. We have to order appetizers in advance and want to make sure we have enough.. and that’s soon.
- As previously mentioned, we will have a “fun comp” with the stouts from November’s common wort – and any other stouts you want to bring.
- Spouses, significant others and kids welcome. (Homebrew, too, but that’s aways true.)
I was one of the stout wort recipients. I threw in an infected batch of 001 and now have a sour stout…and an inclination to experiment with an otherwise wasted batch. What do YOU think I should add to this to try to make it palatable (before December 7th?) Email me with your suggestions.
Thanks and I hope to see you December 7th.